What are the rates for an ad in Sakal..I need images with text advertisement for promoting my business..


Please know that we do not book Classified Text ad for Sakal. We book only Classified Display and Display ad for Sakal. Such ads are charged on the basis of their length and breadth and measured in per sq. cm unit.

Should you like to book a classified display ad in the Business Section of Sakal, please visit the following link: http://sakal.releasemyad.com/rates/business and choose the ad type as Display Classified. Here you can review the rates for all the editions along with different discount packages.

You can create your advertisement in the Compose Ad page with the help of our online design templates. To ensure the timely release of your ad, confirm the ad release dates and clear the payments through the Make Payment page, at least 2-3 days before the ad is intended to be released.

For display ads in Sakal, you can visit: http://sakal.releasemyad.com/display-ad.php, select the main newspaper, specify the ad size along with the page preference and you can get the exact cost of your advertisement.

You can make the payments through the online or offline payment options which include Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking, Cash Deposit, Cash Transfer, Cash Collection, Demand Draft or Cheque Deposits.


Related to: Sakal, Business, Payment Options, Rate Post date: 25/11/2013 - 01:15PM